Meet TINY DANCER (Dancer for short). Just look at that healthy, solid little pink pig!!
He is not completely better, but is SO MUCH BETTER that he is like a different pig. He is alert and active and eats like a pig. He is paper trained. He is gradually growing used to touch (at first he ran from any kind of human attention, but now he loves to be pet or have his belly rubbed) but he HATES being picked up or dressed. I got a harness so i could start getting him used to coming with me, but it was too big so i’m going to have to get a smaller size. He screamed his head off when i tried to put it on him … his lungs are doing well!! And i can see where the phrase “scream like a stuck pig” comes from … what a noise they make when they want to complain!!
Check out the difference after one week of healthy food, meds, bathing and oiled skin.
And his name? When he is happy / content, he dances. His two back feet just do a few quick dance steps … then a few more … and a few more … to show he is happy. (You should see him dance when he has food that he likes :-)) It makes me happy to see it. Tiny Dancer.
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