There are frogs everywhere lately … particularly at night. This large almost albino specimen lives really close to my back door and every night, as soon as Walker has finished his dinner, he jumps right into his bowl and hops up and down (rattling the bowl on the stone patio with each jump) while he licks out the bowl.
Here is that same frog a couple of nights earlier … just headed back into the garden after having finished his nightly routine … and he is with a buddy. You can see how much lighter he is than the other frog.

With all these hopping creatures around here, I started to wonder if they were actually frogs or toads. So I went to (where else?) Google to read up on them. I discovered that yes, there are some differences between frogs and toads (frogs have longer legs), but in the end, it’s a moot point since both frogs and toads are actually frogs.
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