This is the third post about lilies in the last couple of weeks … and covers the three types of lilies I have planted outside of the office windows … all of which have bloomed one after the other. This giant specimen is the last of the three.
The blooming began with the middle-sized red ones, then immediately after it had faded, the first few of the small white ones opened, and now this beautiful giant burgundy one is in bloom.

The bloom is so big and heavy that it hit the ground before even half of the buds on the end of the stem had opened.
Here you can see the medium one (which has lost its red flowers) in the foreground, one of the large ones behind it (with its burgundy flower) (the other large one is on this side of the medium one) and a row of small ones (without their white flowers) along the line of cement blocks.
They are planted here, just outside the windows of the office, so that I can see and smell them when they burst into flower. It is a difficult area to grow flowering plants because it is just a small strip between the house and the fence so it doesn’t get much sun, and probably these would grow better in a more fertile area, but bit by bit they are growing and filling in and are very hardy for the harsh growing conditions.
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